Thursday, November 26, 2020

Just the pics....

 This island has so much beauty that I want to share more of it with you...

How can you resist?

My fans come running when I arrive.

It's not everyday that a barge with two houses arrives.

Tricky wind conditions eased so the tug could back the barge in.

And here are two of the locals watching.

Loads of neighbours were out to watch the spectacle.

The houses were trucked 1.5 km along a gravel road to the prepared lot.

That's the driveway they had to go up
Nickel Brothers did an amazing job!

Our new painted Sointula - Place of Harmony mural.

There kayakers enjoyed the fall weather too.

Another dinosaur spotted in town.  

Another dinosaur - no that's Jim working on his tie art a few months ago.

"School" is finally finished!  Of course Jim has other creative tie art ideas already underway.

I've moved away from bird house painting to canvas.  I'm having fun.

That's all for now, folks.

Cheers from Sointula.
Tricia and Jim Bowen

1 comment:

  1. Love the art work. Both of you! And the weather shots of your beautiful island!
    Get well soon Jim
