Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The 1,000 hour closet

You might remember our September 14, 2020 blog about our project to turn a section of a Malcolm Island 850 year old cedar tree into our front entry closet.  We have no clue how many hours we've put in to date or how many more we'll put in because it just doesn't matter. This piece is about Jim's passion for wood and creating a unique part of our home that will live long after we're gone.  Here's an update...

We found 'the' tree in 2018 then worked  over the months to cut it into quarters then started transforming it. The last blog left off wth four stunning pieces of cedar slowly drying.  Now is the time to get those pieces inside the house for a 'fitting' and final drying to ensure as little cracking as possible.  Of course, this unique piece of art is a labour of love that will take time to evolve. 

The four pieces slowly dried in the tent for the last year.  Now it's time to move them inside.
Jim's copying the stencil for each piece's layout so we can figure out details of where the door hinges.
Over the next couple of months we'll bring each piece in one at a time so Jim can chisel and carve them with much care to create an amazing almost hammered copper type surface.  The pieces aren't exactly light so moving the first one inside the house meant leap frogging it from sawhorse to sawhorse.... until we made it into the house.

We did it!

Jim created a cradle that he can pivot and lock in place at any angle while he's carving.  

I love our tree.  And I'm loving the cedar smell that lingers in the house when Jim's carving in the afternoon sun. Looks like glistening gold.  Stay tuned as we get each piece ready for the 'dry fit'.
Until then...
Tricia and Jim Bowen

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